CiM - Creation Is Messy’s extensive list of colors to a new beadmaker may seem overwhelming. Beautiful colors with amazingly creative names.
The best resource to seem some time getting to know the color ranges is the CiM website.
Kathy’s organization by hue palette has allowed me to mix and match color families easily.
Over the next few weeks, I will be testing new colors and revisiting some that deserve a second look.
Today’s post are beads from the Brown Palette
CiM's Indian Summer Ltd Run is a transparent brown that strikes to a rich color. In the middle bead below I simply wrapped some 99% fine silver wire and the glass color stayed true with no adverse fuming or color change in comparison to the spacers.
CiM's Canoe Ltd Run is an opaque silver brown that changes tone as it is worked in the flame. This can create blushes of russet and red brown in the final beads. As shown in the photo below, each bead was wrapped with silver wire and the result was clean with no reactions.
It melted easily with no shockiness.
CiM's Velveteen Ltd Run is a creamy white opal. The true color of the glass is shown in the spacer beads below. The focal bead was created with a base of Velveteen with a layer of silver foil and rolled in Glass Diversions Coffee Bean frit.
Another opal brown is CiM's Allspice Ltd Run. This glass is a deeper in brown tones but is glorious when paired with silver glass. The spacers in the photo below are CiM Allspice. The focal barrel bead was created with one half of Allspice with fine Aurae silver glass frit and the other end is CiM's Indian Summer Ltd Run.
The photo below is another look at CiM's Allspice Ltd Run in plain spacers. This opal brown is classic and rich.

Both CiM's Allspice Ltd Run and CiM's Velveteen Ltd Run are showing as "sold out" in the CiM color archives. You may be able to locate some through distributors like Nortel. Reach out to Jean if you are interested in exploring this color.
Til next time,
#creationismessy #cimveleveteen #cimallspice #cimindiansummer #cimcanoe #pendragonfyre
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